video chat app

To make it easy for you, we have complied a list of our favorite video chat and social media apps that will keep you connected to family and friends even if you are far apart!

life's uncertainties

If nothing else, recent news headlines have made it very clear that life changes in an instant. This serves as a tough reminder that life is full of uncertainties, making it very difficult to make decisions about a future that has yet to be realized, with one exception--life insurance.

US Pandemics

The World Health Organization has classified the novel coronavirus as a pandemic. Vantis Life decided to go back through history and take a look back at some of the worst pandemics in the United States to see their impact on our great nation and the progress that has been made to help combat, and in some cases, eliminate these deadly viruses.

Vantis Velocity Term policy family scenario

Term life insurance can protect your family from financial loss should the unexpected happen.

Family depicting who term life insurance protects

When it comes to insurance, there can be a lot of confusing language. This short video clearly explains what is term life insurance.

irish soda bread

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year with some homemade Irish Soda Bread! Follow this easy recipe.