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If you would like to start spending more time with your family, and less time on things like organizing the garage, then minimalism is a topic you should explore.  Learning how to live minimally isn’t always easy for those of us who constantly battle with clutter, so here are 7 tips for the minimalist beginners out there.

prevent frauds

Becoming a victim of a fraud or a scam can happen to anyone, and there are always new and cunning methods that scammers adopt to take advantage of others. Knowing how to spot a possible scam and how to prevent frauds can help keep you safe. Here are a few tips to help you prevent frauds should you be confronted with any.

save more save fast

Does it ever seem like money is just flying out of your bank account at times?  Saving money can seem almost impossible, especially during challenging times.  So here are some simple tips that can help you save money and save it fast.

phishing cyber security threats

As the world becomes more digital, today's organizations create enormous volumes of data. This data needs protection from the ever-increasing cyber security threats. But what is a cyber-threat? What threats to data security should you be on the lookout for? More importantly, how can you prevent cyber threats in your home or business? 

calculator pad pen

The longer you put off purchasing a policy, the higher you can expect the premiums to be. That's why it's best to follow our top life insurance tips to get you started. This way, you can buy a policy with adequate coverage that fits your needs but won't bust your budget.

summer safety tips

Summertime not only means longer days and nicer weather, it also means more time and fun with your family. In addition to making sure the summer is fun for your family, you’ll want to also make sure it’s safe. To ensure this summer is the best one yet, here are some summer safety tips for kids and parents to keep in mind.

stay at home vacation

Not everyone can afford elaborate getaways. Staycations, or vacation at home, can be as fun and full-filling as trips around the world. You can take your staycation in so many different directions. Here are some of the best staycation ideas you can try out when you're stuck at home.

kids social media safety

With cyberbullies and other online predators, the world of social media can be terrifying for parents. Understanding how social media works and what dangers there are is important for both you and your kids to understand. Here are five tips for helping your kids safely navigate social media.

stay at home parent

There is one group that is largely overlooked: stay-at-home moms and dads. Life insurance for the stay-at-home parent is often questioned but actually very important for a family unit. Let's take a deeper look into the benefits of a stay-at-home parent having a life insurance policy.